b'IntroductionSince January, the LRSD community has engaged in a series of conversations about visioning for our future as well as how to4implement these hopes and aspirations.During two separate online and inter- future. Although the goals are wordedGENEROSITYactive Thoughtexchange (TE) consulta- to suggest a theory of change, the nextQUADRANTtions, students, staff and parents werestep in our work as a learning com-Creating a Culture of Caringinvited to share their perspectives andmunity will be to develop and share and Collaboration read and rate the thoughts of others.strategies that will help us achieve3 1success as well as the targets well use The themes that emerged informed ourto measure achievement. INDEPENDENCE BELONGINGrenewed Vision and Mission and helpedQUADRANT QUADRANTilluminate four strategic priorities that STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FORCreating a Culture of Inquiry Creating a Culture of frame our MYSP for 2019-2023. More- 2019-2023 and ResponsibilityEquity and Inclusionover, the collective aspirations shared in the TE as well as through a multitudeOur four strategic priorities parallel the2of conversations throughout 2018-2019quadrants of the Circle of Courage, an inspired our efforts to identify meaning- Indigenous inspired whole-learn-er framework for a holistic learningMASTERYful and measurable strategic goals forQUADRANTeach priority.journey that incorporates concepts ofBelonging, Mastery, Independence andCreating a Culture of Learning We detail our desired outcomes in ourGenerosity.and Well-Becomingstrategic goals that will guide our learn-ing community to success by 2023. These goals constitute the destination we are aiming to reach by the end of our four-year collective journey, and the MYSP will serve as our navigation system to a thriving and flourishing 11'