b"Positioning Ourselves in ColonialismI couldn't have conceived of a more impactful series of lessons to address the history and harms of colonization and to promote the need for anti-oppressive and inclusive practices The team designed a series of conversations focused onand policies in our schools and board offices. My knowledge deconstructing some of our practices, parts of the curricula,and understanding grew thanks to the ability of my teachers commemorations, and mindsetsin our classrooms andLorraine Bitchok, Rosemary Bird, Billie Jo Cross, Bobbie-Jo schools. Again, we considered some of our default ways ofLeclair, Sean Oliver, Manny Skead, and Jol Ttrault,to make seeing and presenting ourselves and our community throughimportant truths tangible through their collective knowledge an anti-racist lens. and the courageous sharing of their lived experiences, Beyond the learning sessions designed and delivered vulnerabilities, and their calls to action.by the Indigenous Education Team, they also partnered My hope is that the learning bundle, as designed by the with colleagues in LRSD and outside the division to offer Indigenous Education Team, inspires us to co-design with staff, two sessions. students, and families a collective learning journey that builds the trusting and respectful relationships necessary to find the An Introduction to Anti-Racism courage to confront uncomfortable truths about conscious acts of intolerance and unconscious ways of perpetuating Sarah Gazan and Eric Sagenes from the Manitoba Teachersprejudice in LRSD.I am looking forward to working alongside Society presented an introduction to anti-racism, its historicalschool and board office colleagues as we continue our and contemporary contexts, and the way that racism incollective journey of achieving greater diversity, equity, and its different forms impacts teachers, students, and schoolinclusion as outlined in our Multi-Year Strategic Plan.communities. They presented real-world examples, articles,and videos to break down ideological assumptions that can often have individuals and communities unconsciously perpetuate racism within the school system.The Ethics ofHospitality Throughan Anti-Racist Perspective Chickadee Richard, one of eight esteemed elders on the LRSD Indigenous Council of Grandmothers and Grandfathers, and Divisional Principals Ron Cadez and Michelle Jean-Paul joined the Indigenous Education Team, along with three students, Gloria, Frances and Isabelle. Together they challenged us to consider an ethic of hospitality when decolonizing our educational practices. The students shared a powerful message that implores us to take concrete actions to create greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in our classrooms and our schools.My colleagues and I agreed that these sessions offered some of the most transformative personal and collective learning we have experienced as a leadership team. We explored the importance of admitting our vulnerabilities and worries when having discussions about race and forms of racism. The learning journey required honest introspection to acknowledge power and privilege.In June, we came together to reflect about our leadership learning journey. Borrowing from Jaime Battiste (the Treaty Education Lead for Nova Scotia), the team asked us three essential questions that speak to: The Head: What concepts were covered? The Heart: How did this impact our feelings, attitudes, beliefs?The Hand: What actions did we or will we take based on our learning?27"