b'Message from the ChairWe opened schools during the fourthThe LRSD community rallied, and together we kept our schools wave of the pandemic. As we chartedas safe as possible. Most importantly, we kept learning, we kept innovating, and we stayed on course with our Multi-Year the course for the new school year, Strategic Plan and focused on the work of public education.we all had many fears, worriesand unknowns. I want to acknowledge the Board of Trustees for being available for many extra meetings and the enormous volumes of reading As I reflect on the 2021-2022 school year, I want toand learning that was required to allow us to navigate these acknowledge the incredible work of the Senior Leadershipuncertain times together. Team and our Superintendent. They guided us and ourYou are witness today to the success of our communitys community through some of the most challenging andcollaboration. One simply needs to look at the many great unprecedented times. A record number of policies weresuccesses, awards, scholarships, and celebrations of learning written to support the many changes the pandemic threwand events that took place throughout the year. This Annual at us. Communication was critical as we were in rapidlyReport to the Community provides evidence of the incredible changing times. We had to work together to keep ourand demanding work we accomplished together!children, staff and community healthy.Louise JohnstonStaff came together and were willing to accept new tasks and responsibilities while continuing to cultivate an engaging learning experience. Students remained committed to growth, demonstrating countless examples of their determination and creativity throughout the year. Families provided support at every step of the way tohelp ensure learners thrived. 06'