b'Navigating EnrolmentPressuresIn the Louis Riel School DivisionAs Winnipeg continues to grow, LRSD welcomes more students (LRSD), we have been on a journeyinto some of its schools each year. When we confirmed provincial funding for cole Sage Creek School (SCS) in 2013, to address enrolment pressures andwe knew we needed a second school to ensure the students demographic dynamics for somewho live in Sage Creek can go to elementary school in their time. In the 2021-2022 school year,community. We continue to communicate this need to the that journey included resolving whereManitoba Government.Grades 5 and 6 students living in SageAs we continue to wait for approval and funding to build a second school in Sage Creek, we have had to come up withCreek would temporarily continue toa number of temporary solutions to ensure theres room forattend school until a second school all students, including:in the community opens its doors. Offering both French Immersion and English programsIt also included sharing solutions toat SCS, something that we dont typically do in LRSDthe current and projected enrolmentsHaving Grades 7 & 8 SCS students attend CB and WPC in the Windsor Park Collegiate (WPC),beginning in Sept. 2019Collge Bliveau (CB) and J.H. BrunsHaving Grades 5 & 6 SCS English program studentsCollegiate (JHB) Families of Schools. attend Shamrock School beginning in Sept. 2020Although these temporary solutions worked for a few years,we are now running out of room at WPC and have been running out of room at CB for some time.42'