b'The Fight for 2SLGBTQIA+ Rights: Past, Present, Future Dakota Collegiate GSAs Story as told to Dina Almeida,Divisional Learning Team TeacherThe Gay Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is a strong and active group at Dakota Collegiate with a long history of supporting the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. In response to recognizing the need for greater representation combined with the need for peer and adult support, teachers Robbie Scott and Tracy Sewell organized the first GSA meeting in the fall of 2009. This was the first school group gathering of its kind in Manitoba. On May 4, 2022, the GSA organized two dynamic speakers to address the school and student groups across the Louis In their weekly GSA meetings, students gather to organizeRiel School Division to learn more about the 2SLGBTQIA+ activities such as the 2SLGBTQIA+ flag raising, Day of Pink, Daycommunity and its history. Martin Boyce is an activist and a of Silence, Pride, and discuss global and current events. Theseparticipant in the Stonewall Uprising, a riot that occurred in meetings are student-centred and include community members,1969 in New York City at a gay club. He shared stories about allies and school staff. These gatherings provide a sense ofthe conflicts, protests and violent clashes that ultimately led to comfort, alliance and support. In creating this safe space,the gay liberation movement and the twentieth-century fight for students are given the opportunity to talk and listen, all whileLGBT rights. Jeremy Dias, who attended high school in Ontario, being their authentic selves. faced discrimination that caused him to take legal action.His bravery led him to win Canadas second-largest human rights settlement. Jeremys battle also earned him the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal for gender identities and sexual diversity promotion in heterosexual communities. Through events like this and the GSA, Dakota Collegiate continues to learn and advocate for diversity and inclusion.13'