b'Creating a Culture of Diversity,Equity, Inclusion and Anti-RacismAs a school division, our renewed commitment to Indigenous education, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), and anti-racism is supported byStrategic Priority 1 of our 2019-2023 Multi-Year Strategic Plan. We haveset goals for staff, students, and community to help us create a culture of equity and inclusion. This publication celebrates some of the ways our learnersWhile these are celebrations, they also signal some of the demonstrate a thorough understanding of equity and inclusionways we still need to learn and grow. Creating a strong sense through a strong sense of connectedness to peers, staff andof connectedness to peers, staff and community is central to community. It explores ways in which our staff is coming toour Strategic Priority 1. Our School and Classroom Support recognize their collective capacity to strengthen practicesTeams sat down with members of the LRSD community to of equity and inclusion. Finally, it also highlights ways inbuild relationships, listen to their stories and share them with which parents and guardians of the LRSD community areour community through this publication. There are far too many demonstrating their support for this priority through theirstories to highlight here, but we are pleased to share just a fewcontributions to a culture of equity and inclusion. of them with you.DEI and Anti-Racism Services Team (November, 2022)3'