b'Strategic Priority 1: BelongingA focus on inclusion and well-becoming to ensure all students and staff are welcomed, accepted, valued,healthy, and safe while at school and in the workplaceand to ensure parents/guardians are welcomedand valued as essential partners. 1.1 Expand the LRSD Community Schools1.5 Reframe the Grade 11 English Language Arts Network at the Ren Deleurme Centre to curriculum to focus on Indigenous literature serve more schools and families.and perspectives while ensuring the Grade11 History curriculum thoroughly explores 1.2 Create a comprehensive Workplace Safety Indigenous histories and perspectives. and Health Program to promote andsupport employee wellness to better nurture1.6 Expand International and Heritage Language student wellness.options in high schools.1.3 Reinforce trauma-responsive practices. 1.4 Introduce Indigenous Language Nests for preschool-aged children in our family centres.Expand both the Kindergarten to Grade 3 Indigenous Language Exposure curriculumand Grades 9-12 Indigenous Language options to all schools.9'