b'Strategic Priority 3: IndependenceA focus on engaging students innate abilities and curiosity to empower a love of learning, self-confidence, and self-efficacy.3.1 Promote learner agency and potential, as well3.5 Create a flexible, short-term learning and as more accurate grading through the ongoingtherapeutic space for students needing to be development of more formative and dynamicaway from their home school to support their learner assessments. successful return to a classroom.3.2 Enhance student voice and agency to3.6 Enhance Project-Based Learning, Arts put students experiences at the heart ofEducation, Practical Arts, Active Healthy decision-making in classrooms, schools,Living, Technical Vocational Education, and divisional systems. Apprenticeship, Adult Education, and Career Development offerings, their connection to 3.3 Create and teach an Information Literacyeach other and to all classrooms.continuum and curriculum for all students that includes a focus on discerning safe and healthy behaviours when using and creating information, especially online.Boozhoo 3.4 Develop a framework to assist staff in supporting multilingual learners in becoming proficient in Englishand French in the context of French Immersion schoolsby valuing and developing their first language.12'