b'unique function. The mind is responsible for our thinking, the spirit for our feeling, and the body for our actions. This concept suggests a division of labour within us: we think with our minds, feel with our spirits, and act with our bodies. This view simplifies the complexity of human experience into a triad of functions: thinking, feeling, and doing.In relationships, there are three key elements: the self, the other person, and the shared connection. A healthy relationship is built on giving, taking, and sharing. Giving involves offering support and care without expecting immediate returns, fostering trust. Taking means accepting help and support, allowing the other person to contribute to your well-being. Sharing goes beyond giving and taking, creating unity and mutual benefit. When these three elements are present, relationships are strong and fulfilling.Time can be divided into three parts: the past, present, and future. Each part has its purpose but fixating on any one, to the detriment of the others, can lead to difficulties. The past shapes us and provides lessons, but dwelling on it excessively can hinder our present. The present is where we make decisions, but ignoring the future can limit growth. The future holds our aspirations, but obsessing over it can cause stress. A healthy approach involves balancing these three parts: learning from the past, living fully in the present, and planning for the future.The teaching includes a small red spot in the middle of the braid to symbolize fire. Fire is emblematic of a well-lived, fulfilling life, and it embodies the essence of being a good listener. By learning to listen attentively to ones thoughts, emotions, and actions in an intuitive manner, an individual can find a path to live in a good way.Ed Azure is Cree from The Pas, Manitoba andis a member of the Louis Riel School Division Council of Grandmothers and Grandfathers.If you would like to listen to the full Sweetgrass teaching, use the QR code.15'