b'Message from the ChairBelonging, Mastery, Independence, and Generosity continue to be the pillars on which the Louis Riel School Division Multi-Year Strategic Plan rests. These pillars will continue to support the vision we have for our growing and thriving community through to 2027. With a deliberate emphasis on communication, learning, collaboration, and advocacy, this document will guide the work of the previous plan. It will also enhance and broaden elements that students, staff, and families felt needed moreor continuedemphasis with the goal of sustainable practices and approaches in mind. Throughout the 2022-2023 school year, a division-wide inquiry focused on how we prioritize belonging. As we look to the future, we also reflect on past and present conversations about racism, sexism, classism, ableism, heterosexism, and other forms of bigotry and prejudice with the intent to identify and eliminate barriers that impede inclusion and well-being. Acting on this intention will be key to ensuring all who work and learn in LRSD know and feel they belong, and are welcomed valued, respected, and safe.In the pages ahead, we have defined our priorities and objectives, and mapped out a long-range plan to ensure we know where we are on this collective journey. Our aim is to nurture curiosity, demonstrate respect and care, seek equity, and be well.Sandy NemethPictured left to right:Jeda Aiyejina and Elton Pauls. 6 NordaleSchool, 2023.'