b'Medicine Wheel TeachingThe Medicine Wheel is a powerful symbol, representing theLike the Medicine Wheel, which defines and teaches us, our interconnectedness of all life. Each of us plays a unique role inconnection to the land reveals itself most profoundly when we are this grand design, carrying specific responsibilities that contributeimmersed in its presence. Standing on the land, surrounded by its to the whole. Just as the quadrants of the wheel are sacred andbeauty and history, we gain a deeper understanding of our place in equal, so too are we as individuals. We are all essential parts ofthe world and our responsibilities to it.the circle of life, where humanity, all beings, and all life forms are interconnected and inseparable. The teachings of the Medicine Wheel are timeless and enduring. They remind us of our interconnectedness, our responsibilities, and As Indigenous Peoples, our connection to the world around us isthe importance of caring for ourselves and the world around us. profound. We see meaning in everythingthe plants, the animals,As we continue on our journey of learning and understanding, the the elements, and the stars. This deep connection is not exclusivewisdom of the Medicine Wheel guides us, revealing new insights to Indigenous Peoples; it is a universal truth that applies to all ofand truths along the way.humanity. However, in the modern world, many have lost touch with this interconnectedness, forgetting that the circle of life andChickadee Richard is Anishinaabe from Sandy learning is continuous and ever-unfolding. Bay First Nation and is a member of the Louis Riel School Division Council of Grandmothers and The circle also reminds us to take care of ourselves holistically Grandfathers. If you would like to listen to the mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Just as each part ofMedicine Wheel teaching, use the QR code. the circle relies on the others, so too must we nurture all aspects of ourselves to maintain balance and harmony.Everybody needs to go back and know where they came from. Understanding the land we come from, the stories it holds, and the histories of our ancestors helps us understand who we are as individuals and as a community. The land is not just a physical place; it is a part of our identity, shaping our values, beliefs, and cultural practices.17'