b'Land Acknowledgement/ La Reconnaissance des Terres de la DSLRThe Louis Riel School Division (LRSD) brings together a communityLa Division scolaire Louis-Riel (DSLR) runit une communaut of schools on the traditional land of the Anishinaabeg, Ininewak,dcoles sur les terres traditionnelles des Anishinaabeg, Ininewak et and Dakota. Our division is located on the National HomelandDakota. Notre division est situe sur la patrie nationale des Mtis of the Red River Mtis. We recognize that Manitoba is also thede la Rivire Rouge. Nous reconnaissons que le Manitoba abrite traditional land of the Anishininiwak and Dene. galement les terres traditionnelles des Anishininiwak et Dns.We respect the treaties made on this land and acknowledge theNous respectons les traits conclus sur ces terres et reconnaissons harms and mistakes of the past and present. We dedicate ourselvesles prjudices et les erreurs du pass et du prsent. Nous to authentic alliances with Indigenous communities in a spirit ofnous engageonscrer des alliances authentiques avec les reconciliation and cooperation. communauts autochtones dans un esprit de rconciliation et de collaboration.We recognize and honour Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipegs life-sustaining drinking water, as well as the TreatyNous reconnaissons et honorons la Premire nation Shoal Lake 40, Territories that generate and provide the electricity that powerssource de leau potable vitale de Winnipeg, ainsi que les territoires daily activity throughout the province and beyond. des traits qui gnrent et fournissent llectricit alimentant les activits quotidiennes dans toute la province et au-del.The ongoing development of LRSDs land acknowledgement is guided by our Indigenous Council of Grandparents, and we thankLe dveloppement continu de la reconnaissance des terres de la them for their generosity and collaboration. DSLR est dirig par notre conseil autochtone des grands-parents, que nous remercions de sa gnrosit et de sa collaboration.3'