b'Message from the Superintendent & CEOThe Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) for 2023-2027 is centred on key insights gleaned from the Progress Report: Taking Stock of our MYSP for 2019-2023, published in March 2023. Ongoing opportunities for community to engage with drafting the plan shaped further refinements to the 25 strategic actions that will guide our journey until 2027.The MYSP is inspired from the idea that broad collective agreement about expectations and commitments is essential to achieving a more fulfilling and flourishing life at school and work. The plan emphasizes our commitment to universal human rights, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA), Indigenous worldviews and perspectives, anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices, co-stewardship with all staff, partnership with families, nurturing student voice and agency, leveraging and developing our data literacy, as well as collaboration with governments and community. The plan is informed by the Manitoba Governments K to 12 Education Action Plan, Manitobas Indigenous Education Policy FrameworkMamhtawisiwin: The Wonder We Are Born With, and the International Science and Evidence based Education (ISEE) Assessment published in 2022.The MYSP also articulates a multi-disciplinary effort that builds on many provincial and national research projects and initiatives that LRSD is co-designing with universities and educational partners. To read the latest updates relative to a strategic action and measurable improvements, visit our website using the QR code (lrsd.link/MYSP-2327).Christian Michalik7'