b'Sweetgrass TeachingA Sweetgrass braid is a traditional First Nations ceremonial item made from a fragrant grass native to Manitoba. The grass is dried and then braided into long strands, which are often used in First Nations ceremonies to cleanse and heal.The Sweetgrass braid is composed of three strands. Those strands teach us about many different things. They speak to the nature and composition of who we are as human beings, our relationships,and lifes journey.Running your finger down one side of a Sweetgrass braid, from the roots to the middle, reveals bumps that symbolize lifes challenges, universal to all regardless of background or status. The flat side of the braid signifies Creators intended path for us. Staying true to this path keeps individuals close to the Creator throughout their lives. When you turn the braid over, the strands become more pronounced, as if the bumps you feel with your fingertips are pushing you off track, symbolizing lifes challenges.The teachings of Sweetgrass offer profound insights, not only about the path to the Creator but also about the essence of kindness towards others. Kindness is the act of extending grace and compassion to individuals who may not seem deserving of it. By extending kindness towards others, it is believed that one will receive rewards in return, often in unexpected and significant ways. This understanding reinforces the idea that acts of kindness have a ripple effect, spreading positivity and goodness throughout the world.Human beings consist of three separate and distinct parts: the mind, the body, and the spirit. Each of these parts has its own 14'