b'REN DELEURME CENTRE The Ren Deleurme Centre (RDC) shares a building with Lavallee School and hosts a range of community-based programs and services to support children, youth, adults, and families. Staff at RDC also coordinate school-based summer programming with a focus on equity and inclusion.Through a weekly food depot and emergency food10Full Moon Ceremonies,1Pipe Ceremony, and1Letting cupboard, RDC distributed:Go Ceremony More than67,693pounds of food to community 3Sharing Circles and schools961cost-shared Fresh Food Boxes, which community2Medicine Picking Outings for caregivers and youthmembers purchased over 22 pick-up weeks1Red Road to Healing program Through the LRSD Zone Settlement program: Parent Mentorship Programming:More than623new client referrals received for settlement10-weekprogram,9adult participants volunteering in service via community partner organizations classrooms and receiving weekly professional development 574clients participated in programs and informationsessionssessions (including English Conversation, Sewing, and YouthASPIRE (Academic Summer Program Including Recreation Wellness Programs) and Education) is an equity-based program designed to The settlement team provided service in more than help students continue to grow as learners throughout 12languages the summer. In the summer of 2024, there were:380children from19schools Through RDC, LRSD has an ongoing partnership with the Mobile Vision Care Clinic (MVCC) to increase access to5siteseye care for students and families in the LRSD community. In the 2023-2024 school year, this included:RDC also hosted conversations to guide its work:1,644Comprehensive eye exams 1formal Community Conversation392Prescription eyeglasses16Mobile Vision Care Clinics (15 schools + 1community clinic)Indigenous Cultural Programming:37Traditional Teaching sessions with Knowledge Carrier Eric Flett for caregivers34Beading & Breakfast sessions9'