b'DIVERSITYOn October 17, 2023, the Board of Trustees adopted Policy GBA Employment Practices: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion.The path to bring this policy forward started in March 2022Staff members at individual schools and worksites were with a review of national and international equity policies andinvited to review the policy and provide feedback at the an invitation to join a working group for the development ofFebruary 2023 staff meeting. A request for community an employment equity policy in the Learning Circle. feedback on the policy went out via the Parent Post on The working group, consisting of students, communityMarch 24, 2023. On April 6, 2023, the working committee members and staff from all employee groups, met four timesreviewed and revised the policy to reflect the feedback in 2022. Union partners were invited to join and receivedreceived.updates throughout the process. It was a real pleasure to participate in helping a divisional aspiration become a reality, said Amy The Process for the Working Group included: Warriner, Principal, cole Varennes. While the policy Incorporating a hybrid meeting structure is only the beginning, it is an important step forward to promote inclusion.to supporting our schools to become places that better represent the diversity of those we serve.Establishing working norms. The policy and protocols received first reading at the Board of Trustees meeting on June 21, 2022, and was shared withPresenting how policy is created in theall community in the Parent Post in June 2022. On March Louis Riel School Division (LRSD).14, 2023, the updated policy was shared with union partnersReviewing employment equity policies in other and feedback invited. educational organizations. This policy aims to ensure qualified people from equity seeking groups are welcomed to work in LRSD, said CyrilCreating a shared understanding of employment Indome, Vice-Principal, Dakota Collegiate Institute. In the and equity. development of this policy, we recognize that communityBrainstorming practices to be included consultation and policy accountability are essential. Byin the policy.having diversity across the various employment groups, we believe this policy will have a direct positive impact on our Drafting each section of the policy in learners and families. smaller working groups.Policy GBA and Administrative Protocols received a second reading at the Board Meeting on May 16, 2023; September INCLU S I O N 2023 saw a review of the implementation of AdministrativeDrafting Administrative Guidelines. Protocols.After nearly two years of development, Policy GBA - Employment Practices: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion including Policy GBA Administrative Protocol received a third reading and was adopted October 17, 2023.23'