b'SETTLING IN WITH LOUIS RIEL SCHOOL DIVISIONS ZONE SETTLEMENT PROGRAM The Louis Riel School Division (LRSD) believes in fostering inclusive communitiesHow is the Program where every person can thrive. ThatsImplemented?why were proud to re-introduce the Zone Settlement Program, a vital initiative offeringThe program is implementedsettlement services to permanent residentsthrough a variety of supportsin the neighbourhoods of St. Vital and St.and services, including:Boniface, completely free of charge.Identifying, welcoming, and supporting The Zone Settlement Program, formerly known as thenewcomer families: Through phone, email,Neighbourhood Immigrant Settlement Worker (NISW)in-person meetings, and home visits.Program, was established in 2012 to address the unique Assessing client needs: Supporting clients in needs of newcomers and permanent residents in ouraccessing services and community resources community. The program was and continues to be supportedand helping them complete necessary through a funding agreement with Immigration, Refugeesdocumentation and applications.and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The Zone Settlement Program helps permanent resident newcomer and refugee families Building trusting relationships: Establishing throughout LRSD transition to life in Canada. respectful and supportive connections with newcomer clients.Recognizing the challenges individuals face navigating unfamiliar systems, the program provides essential support Collaborating with schools: Assisting in student and resources to facilitate their initial transition and long-termregistration and attending school intake and integration and success.orientation meetings. Information and orientation sessions: Providing individual, family, and group sessions on topics like health, education, employment, finances, community services, school readiness, and parenting.34'