b'I was blown away by walking into a gym full of young peopleShe was just beaming with confidence and world experience, clapping and cheering, not even at that point realizing it wasHelena said. She was living life and glowing.for me. But it was for me. It was unbelievable, Cheryl said. Watching her daughter find her footing and develop a sense At the graduation ceremony, Lizzie was chosen to give aof not only being a global citizen but also of where she fits speech about the impact families had on students journeys.into the world meant a lot to Helena.After delivering much of the speech in Brazilian Portuguese, Lizzie paused, then continued on in English.I was so proud of her, she said. It made me feel confident in her ability to go out into the world as a fledgling adult.She thanked me for coming and told me I was a second mother to her, Cheryl said.So, Helena picked up the phone and volunteered her services as a homestay family. As someone who knows what it feels I knew I had an impact on her, but not as much as it was. like to be a parent whose kid is halfway across the world and what it feels like to see such incredible growth in their child, The experience has also had a profound impact on Cheryl,too, Helena wanted to help another have that experience. who has already discussed returning to Brazil someday, just as Lizzie hopes to return to Canada after her five-yearShes also looking forward to learning all about the culture of university program.her student and to providing a great experience for them.Cheryl said of Lizzie: She found my heart. Helena and Ellie have a message for anyone considering signing up for the International Student Program, whether as a student or homestay family: Do it!Helena Lehn signed up to be a homestay family in the 2024-25 school year. Her daughter Ellie, a recent graduate of Collge Jeanne-Sauv, spent two months in Meitoku, Japan. Honestly, I had such a wonderful experience when I was there, Ellie said. I loved being fully immersed in a new environment and culture. It forces you to learn at a quicker pace.When Ellie arrived in Japan, she noticed all the little differences in their society and how things worked. It helped her develop a new, more global perspective. But more than that, it gave her a new lens through which to view her home society when she returned.I got a whole new perspective on a place Ive lived my whole life, she said. She also developed a much stronger sense of independence and confidence. And her dorm roommate inspired her to study harder than ever. I have intentions to be a doctor, and so does she, Ellie said. Her roommate studied every day before school, starting at 4 a.m., then again after school. I thought, I can study like that, too.Helena said it was remarkable to see the change in her daughter.41'