b'A RECIPE FOR COMMUNITY Chef Michael Erin is the smiling sort. Running the Louis Riel School Divisions (LRSD) Community Kitchen at the Ren Deleurme Centre (RDC) puts Chef Michael at the intersection of threads of many lives thatIf youre weave together the fabric of LRSD.hungry, youre Its really the best job, he said. When the kids come innot learning, and you see their faces when theyre cookingitsreally fun. - Chef Michael High school students from across the division sign up for classes at the centre, where Chef Michael and his team teach them to make all sorts of delectable foodstuffs: shepherds pie, lasagna, quesadillas, fettuccine Alfredo, about 20 varieties ofFor the 2024-25 school year, the Community Kitchen will soup, and more.help even more students get the energy they need to be Grade 7 and 8 students at Lavallee School (which is attachedactive learners, as provincial funding begins to roll in for to RDC) have hopped over to the kitchen for baking classes,the universal nutrition programming. It will become the where they made muffins and other goods. The studentscommissary kitchen for four schools, and planning for the then saw some of their work donated to their schoolsincreased output began well before the summer break.breakfast program, for which the kitchen prepares other food,But thats only the beginning of the work the Community as well.Kitchen has cooked up since firing up its ovens for the first time in September 2023. During the year, the kitchen cooked for the RDCs Full Moon Ceremonies, making bison stew and fruit cobblers. It also ran cooking and nutrition courses for newcomers through the LRSD Zone Settlement Program. Chef Michael said while many newcomers arrive with their own set of cooking skills, he hears from his course-goers it can be 36'