b'WE ARE meaningful learning about both numbered and modern treaties. The goal of day two is to provide teachers an opportunity to ALL TREATYexplore the Treaty kits and teaching resources, deepen their understanding of treaties, and collaborate with other grade-level educators. PEOPLE To best deliver this crucial staff learning, LRSD will identify divisional teachers or leaders who will act as catalyst teachers. Members of the LRSD School and Classroom Supports team will assume these roles for these staff learning events throughout the division.The Louis Riel School Division (LRSD) wholeheartedlyCatalyst teachers will introduce, promote, facilitate, and welcomes Manitobas K to 12 Treaty Education Plan: Treatydeliver local Treaty Education training throughout the Education for All and looks forward to including thisdivision. They are tasked with being knowledgeable on Treaty mandatory staff learning in our ever-expanding efforts toEducation resources; participating in a wider learning network respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions 94 Callsof catalyst teachers from beyond the division, coordinated to Action and work towards building a kinder, more by the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba and the equitable society.Indigenous Inclusion Directorate; keeping up with updates Most notably, this Treaty Education initiative responds toto training materials; including local Elders and Knowledge Call to Action 62(i), which calls on all levels of governmentKeepers to support Treaty Education at divisional, school, and and educators to make age-appropriate curriculum onclassroom levels; and more. residential schools, Treaties, and Aboriginal peoples historicalAs educators, we have a responsibility to ensure we all and contemporary contributions to Canada a mandatoryunderstand the importance of the original spirit and intent of education requirement for Kindergarten to Grade treatiesas well as understanding treaty relationships, which Twelve students. requires understanding a balance of oral and written history. All K to 12 teachers in LRSD will complete the two-day courseAnd we have a responsibility to pass that learning on to our by Dec. 31, 2025, and all other divisional staff will attend astudents, Corey said. day of Treaty Education learning. And by all divisional staff,Treaty Education is not new to LRSD, and the division strives we mean everyone: educational assistants, secretaries, boardto develop increasingly robust understanding of treaties office staff, custodians, lunch supervisorseveryone.in staff and students, year after year. These staff learning To move forward together as a society, we all need toopportunities are one piece of a larger effort to improve understand our shared agreements and treaty obligations.Indigenous Education in the division, as exemplified in the We need to understand the relationships of the past and howMulti-Year Strategic Plans strategic priorities 1.4, 1.5, and theyve shaped the present, said Corey Kapilik, Director of4.5, which focus on bolstering exposure to and learning School and Classroom Supports and Indigenous Educationabout Indigenous languages, worldviews, histories, and Coordinator.perspectives. Only in that truth can we take meaningful steps toward aUnderstanding treaties comes from an understanding of pre-better future for all. contact history and understanding how First Peoples thrived in traditional ways of life. Its essential to understanding the The goal of day one for the teachers sessions is to providedamage caused by colonization, the residential school system, deep understanding about the historical, contemporary, andand the 60s Scoop, and how the effects continue to ripple foundational importance of treaties for all.through today, Corey said. That includes delving into the worldviews and intents ofWe all have an obligation to learn and to act. We are all parties involved in treaties. It means discussing protocols,treaty people. responsibilities, and resistance. And, of course, it entails 44'