b'CONNECTING FOR WELLNESSAt the Louis Riel School Division (LRSD), our strategic priorities centre around building belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.We use these as guideposts as we strive each day to improveneeded employment aid, information on finding a lawyer, ourselves and our community, and we know there are manyfamily counselling, 2SLGBTQIA+-specific assistance, help other organizations doing what they can to make life better,navigating issues around disability, a place to exercise and too. Together, we can do more. swim, or much more, they could find information on what they needed at the wellness fair.Thats why we kicked off the month of May with the inaugural LRSD Community Wellness Fair at the St. Marys board office.There was something for everyone, Alex Peniuta, Supervisor The admission-free fair offered all who wandered down theof Well-Becoming, said. Thats really important because of opportunity to connect with and learn about the many socialthe diversity in our community, the diversity in our population, organizations available to folks in the LRSD community. and the diversity of the supports people rely on. We see our students on a daily basis, so we see what theyreWhile some services focused on helping people through struggling with and what their families are struggling with,crises, other participating organizations centred around said Amber Zetaruk, Supervisor of Student and Familyenriching families and other community members daily lives.Supports, that organized the wellness fair.These werent only community agencies who support The 20 organizations with booths at the fair offeredextremely marginalized or disadvantaged families,attendees a broad variety of resources. Whether peopleAlex said. Some may have a more specific mandate, but 30'