b'equips them with the tools to foster a culture of unity,Were recognizing and focusing on their strengths, rather belonging, and reciprocity in their classrooms and schools. than on skills they may not currently have. Teachers now understand were all additional language teachers, said Rose. Here are several steps LRSD took in 2023/24 to move toward this goal:While some may not speak English fluently when they arrive, all come with their own skills, knowledge, and experiences.Educational Resources: We educated schools on important government resources, including the Kindergarten to GradeWeve been working hard to change old ways of looking at 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additionaland working with MLLs. While theres still lots to do, were Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Languagecollaborating with staff eager to understand and implement (LAL) Programming. These resources help teachers planbest practices for all, Rose said.lessons to meet both language and academic goals. Additionally, the Divisional Instructional Support TeamIn the 2024-25 school year, we will honour these strengths, created guides and documents to help fellow teachers inaiming to empower newcomers and help them learn English the division support multilingual learners.in alignment with several MYSP strategic priorities.Training for Student Services Teachers: Student ServicesWell also be working on projects to support MLLs whove Teachers received training to better support other teachers.had schooling interrupted, collaborations with the Indigenous New teachers participated in ongoing training throughEducation team, anti-racism initiatives, school information the Mentorship Program. We directly supported schoolsnights for newcomer families, evidence-based learning through activities such as staff development sessions,initiatives, and a host of other projects addressing the needs meetings, and collaborative work. of diverse MLLs.MLL Committee: We selected teacher-leaders for a division- This work builds on the carefully thought-out strategic wide MLL committee, in collaboration with the Manitobapriorities in the divisions MYSP, namely priority 3.4, which Teachers Society, to understand and plan for staff needs.spurs us to Develop a framework to assist staff in supporting multilingual learners in becoming proficient in Englishand Guest Speaker: Dr. Nadia Prokopchuk was invited to French in the context of French Immersion schoolsby discuss Culturally Responsive Teaching, emphasizing thevaluing and developing their first language. benefits of incorporating students cultures and languages into learning. By continuing to focus on these initiatives, with the MYSP to guide our actions, LRSD continues to strive to create Underpinning all these efforts was a drive to shiftan inclusive and supportive environment for all learners, perspectives on MLLs. celebrating the rich diversity that eachstudent brings to our community.33'