b'LETTING THE PRIDE FLAG FLYThe Louis Riel School Division (LRSD)their message clear: everyone is welcome here. community turned up in droves for theThe Pride parade was a wonderful time, but special mention 2024 Winnipeg Pride parade, joiningneeds to be made of the GSA. more than 6,000 people participatingin the parade, the events largest turnoutThe group, run out of Dakota Collegiate, works to provide a welcoming space for all 2SLGBTQIA+ students within the club to date.and their school.Long polyester flags draped over shoulders, and smallerGrade 11 student Gracie Holowachuk had been in the club for paper flags stuck in the backs of hats. Painted rainbowstwo years before taking on a leadership role in 2023. arched over smiling cheeks, and heart-shaped paddles popped up everywhere among the crowd, with the wordsOne of the main things Ive worked on is our announcement Love is Love scrawled across them. And almost visiblycampaign, Gracie said. Every Tuesday, well get someone among the kaleidoscopic crowd, a sense of celebrationfrom the GSA on the announcements. They share an and joy pervaded everything. educational fact on the queer or trans community over the school intercom.The LRSD group was headed by a school bus draped in banners on either side, followed by staff leaders, studentsGracie writes all the facts at the end of the month and sends carrying Dakota Collegiates Gender Sexuality Alliancethem to the office. The facts cover a variety of topics, including (GSA) banner, the Pep Band, and many others. heroes and activists in the community, awareness days or weeks, and explanations of whatever the GSA feelsStaff, students, parents, family, and friends of LRSD madeneeds explaining. 24'