b'MESSAGEFROM THESUPERINTENDENTDear Louis Riel School Division Community,Project-based learning isnt only for students. In 2024, we introduced a project-based approach to support our school Reflecting on the 2023-24 school year, Im filled withleaders learning and growth. This initiative has enhanced gratitude for the efforts and achievements highlightedcollaboration and better empowered our leaders to inspire in this Annual Report to the Community (ARC).and guide meaningful change. Through hands-on projects Our communitys resilience and dedication shoneand practical experiences, we are cultivating a culture of brightly through various initiatives and recognitions.collaborative inquiry to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, These pages celebrate some of our students and staffsand accessibility.achievements and outstanding contributions in 2023- Were also making our mark locally and globally. The 24. Here is a glimpse into the stories I invite you to read. Dakota Collegiate Concert Bands performance in Japan, our International Student Program, and cole St. Germain Our Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) took flight, setting theEnviroclubs environmental advocacy showcase our students stage for an exciting and hopeful future.talents and commitment to positive change here and on the international stage. A highlight for me was the bold decision by trustees to ask local taxpayers to support the expansion of Universal Full- We launched the LRSD Data Hub, our one-stop-shop for Day (everyday) Kindergarten to all 30 early years schoolsdivision-wide data. This tool offers metrics on our MYSP by starting in September 2024, giving all our youngest learnerssharing up-to-date data on student enrolment, attendance, a strong start and supporting working families. wellness, and achievement. It allows deeper insight into our work to support flourishing school communities while The Ren Deleurme Centres Community Kitchen hasreinforcing our commitment to data stewardship and become a vital source of nourishment, providing essentialtransparency. Im excited to see the new data reports we food services and cooking classes, contributing to foodpublish to measure the impact of our strategic actions. security and community building. With the Manitoba government making a significant annual investment of $1.5As we look ahead, we remain committed to building on million to expand school nutrition programming, Im excitedthese accomplishments. My sincere appreciation goes to to see the reach and impact the Community Kitchen willour families, students, staff, educators, leadership team, and have this upcoming school year. board of trustees. Your dedication to our shared values and commitments makes our vibrant learning community possible.We continue to make explicit commitments to equity and inclusion on the policy front. Our new Employment EquityI hope reading the ARC for 2023-24 inspires excitement as Policy obligates us to build a workforce that better reflectswe continue to nurture a workplace and learning community our diverse community. It holds the promise of being a keywhere everyone can thrive in 2024-25.step toward creating a more just workplace in the service ofWarm regards,a more equitable learning environment.Christian Michalik, Superintendent & CEO6'