b'SCHOOL STATS MADE SIMPLE: LRSDSWELL-BEING LEARNINGDATA HUB ENGAGEMENTWhile student and staff attendance dashboards have lived on our website since midway through the COVID-19 All around us, we see a world increasinglypandemic, those resources lacked an easy-to-access location. driven by data. Data can help usEnrolment statistics have always been displayed but were understand the bigger picture, allowupdated just once per year.us to compare situations, and give us the context needed to make informedWe decided a more obvious and regularly updated one-stop-shop webpage was in order.decisions about how to improve our school division and help students. It canThe Data Hub promotes data literacy across our community, also help others in the Louis Riel Schoolsaid Marnie Wilson, Divisional Vice-Principal of Data Literacy. Division (LRSD) community understandAnd it gives us another opportunity to be transparent about whats happening at their schools.the decisions and progress were making. Our one-stop-shop Data Hub refreshes daily, so community members can be sure theyre getting the most accurate and up-to-date picture of the division. The data is presented in We launched the LRSD Data Hub in 2023-24 to provide thean interactive and eye-catching manner, because lets face it, LRSD community with data dashboards about enrolment,the modern eye struggles to focus when a webpage looks as attendance, student achievement, student diversity,though its running on Windows 95. engagement, and well-being, as well as to reinforce ourBesides providing a wide-scope view of our divisions make-commitment to data stewardship and transparency. up and goings-on, the Data Hub can also help people delve 16'