b'The budget includes additional classroom staff, bringingstaff, programs, and supports, especially withthe total to 620 full-time equivalent (FTE) educationalthe additional needs coming out of a global pandemic, assistants and 1,212 (FTE) teachers, including principalswas not an option for the board.and vice-principals. THESE ADDITIONAL STAFF WILL HELP SUPPORT LEARNING Given that the expenditures exceed the funding LRSD AND THE ONGOING EFFORTS ADDRESS: has received, the budget includes the use of $2,460,697 from the divisions accumulated surplus to make up for The ongoing impacts of the pandemic on the funding shortfall in 2023-2024. Since its inception learning outcomes; in 2002, LRSD has not been in a position where The declining mental health exacerbated by surplus funds have needed to be used to balance the the pandemic; and budget. Unprecedented times and pressures require an The growing enrolment that would result in growing unprecedented response.class size if we didnt address that growth.The biggest challenge in designing the budget for This use of accumulated surplus to make up for a 2023-2024 has been the enduring challenge of the last shortfall in our annual funding is not sustainable few years; balancing our response to the pressures we and is very concerning, said Christian Michalik, face with our ability to pay the cost of meeting thoseSuperintendent. We appreciate the funding this year needs, said Jamie Rudnicki, Secretary-Treasurer.is more predictable, in that the Manitoba government is making the one-time funding provided to school Louis Riel School Division continues to be progressive,divisions in the last two years permanent. However, innovative, and future oriented in ensuring all studentsgiven the impacts of the chronic underfunding that remain engaged in their learning and want to be in school,preceded the pandemic and the spiraling of pressures said Nemeth. A budget that would eliminate teachers,and needs, it is still insufficient.0.45%1.22%2,228 Total $1,020,905 $2,732,500 StaffAdult EducationOtherProgram 1,066 65Teachers School & Classroom Support TeamWhere the Includes Clinical, Instructional, 45.74%50.53%620 and Indigenous Support Teams$102,819,343 money$113,579,345 EducationalLocal Funding ProvincialAssistantscomes from Government 49 Board Office Staff324 International Non-Teaching10 ProgramSupport Staff1.09%11 Adult $2,460,697 74 EducationSurplus 0.96%Principals &Trustees$2,164,188 Vice-Principals 9International Student ProgramAdditional Staff for 20232024The calculation of full-time101.7 What does this budget equivalent (FTE) is an employeesFTEsscheduled hours divided by theEducational Assistantsmean for property owners? employers hours for a full-time workweek. When an employer53.65FTEshas a 40-hour workweek, Based on an average Results in a property employees who are scheduledTeachershome in LRSD valued at: tax increase of: to work 40 hours per week are 1.0 FTEs. Employees scheduled6.1FTEs 4.9FTEs$379,900 0.10% or $1.91 to work 20 hours per week areClinicians Support Staff0.5 FTEs.11'