b'STUDENT LEADERSHIP WITH A FOCUS ON DIVERSITY, INCLUSION,(SHOW) also helped to organize interest groups AND BELONGING - PRISM, DIVERSITY ALLIANCE, STUDENTfocused on improving the world around them and LEADERSHIP, SHOW, LRSD STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL AT spreading kindness, volunteering for organizations J. H. BRUNS COLLEGIATE like Manitoba Harvest, and fundraising. Aiden, one Student voice and leadership thrived at J. H.of the members of the Student Leadership group, Bruns Collegiate this year. Students from severalwas especially proud of the Grade Wars event the leadership groups had an opportunity to sharegroup organized. After periods of being in cohorts with LRSDs board of trustees how their voices andand disconnection, the student leaders at J. H. efforts fostered wellness by focusing on inclusionBruns felt the strength and bonds return to their and belonging. Student leaders Aiden Anderson,community this year.Gloria Jaison, Lina Alfaouri, Mia Buttimer, Rahaf Ibrahim, and Zaina Abazid all shared theirThe commitment of the student leaders at J. H. experiences taking part in groups focused onBruns to diversity, equity, inclusion, and spaces diversity, community, and coming back togetherfor all people and all voices has fostered greater after the disconnection of the COVID-19 pandemic. belonging and wellness across the community.These remarkable young leaders take part in several student groups. One of them is PRISM, a group that furthers voice and empowerment for 2SLGBTQIA+ people. Mia Buttimer, leader ofWhen you feel like you belong, orthe group with over 40 members, shared the power of promotions, celebrations, collaborationsyou are part of something biggerwith school staff, and partnering with community agencies like the Sexual Education Resourcethan you, youre encouraged toCenter in bringing representation, safety, andspread that positive feeling to others.inclusivity to the diverse school community.The leadership group also took the initiative to Zaina Abazidbring students together in fun and meaningful ways, organizing bake sales and basketballRahaf added, I believe as leaders, you have to tournament fundraisers for causes such as Fortbreak barriers. Garry Womens Resource Center and Sakeenah Winnipeg. The schools Diversity Alliance promotesThe student leaders at J. H. Bruns have modelled culture and anti-racism. It also organized events,building wellness through belonging, removing such as Culture Days, where students and staffbarriers, elevating voices, and celebrating diversity wore their cultural garments and showcasedin all its formsa true gift to the LRSD community different cultures. Students Helping Our Worldbefore many move on to new leadership adventures after graduation.29'