b'Message from the ChairHOW DO WE PRIORITIZE BELONGING?This was the overarching question asked by Louis Riel School Division leadership and the Senior Leadership Team in making a commitment to every future graduate, staff member, and teacher. This was the focus through which conversation was encouraged, feedback gathered, and opinions heard in the 2022-2023 school year. Prioritizing belonging has become a mantra of sorts,On behalf of your board of trustees,and is at the heart of ensuring everyone who worksI extend sincere appreciation to students, and learns in LRSD knows they have a place, feelsparents, and our greater community valued, respected, cared for, safe, and welcome. for their engagement. We acknowledge the commitment and dedication of all Our Annual Report to the Community is filled withteachers, staff, and administrators and we facts, data, and stories that together paint a picturereserve special recognition for our Senior of a growing and flourishing community; a communityLeadership Team who continues to innovate that values student voice, recognizes the importanceand lead with unwavering purpose, intent, and necessity of courageous conversations, andhumility, caring, and kindness.honours diversity in its many forms. Sandy NemethIt is so much more than words on a page. It is a celebration of who we are and where we are going, showing evidence of success in committing to a culture of anti-racism, equity, and inclusion.A newly adopted Multi-Year Strategic Plan for Diversity is a fact. Equity is a 2023-2027 will build on a previous plan that was ambitious in its goals. As some work continues, choice. Inclusion is an action. new work will begin as we ready for a future thatis unpredictable, requiring informed and focusedBelonging is an outcome.efforts to ensure our students leave LRSD prepared and excited for what comes next, confident in their Arthur Chanabilities, and eager to continue learning.4'