b'Another participant shared:For me, Affinity Space meetings gave me a safespace to reflect and wonder aloud about my impact as a racialized educator. At my first meeting, I was welcomed with kindness. It wasa place to connect with colleagues that Iwould never otherwise have had the chanceto meet, and it allowed me to see myself intheir experiences. I grew personally throughtheir sharing of the challenges that they facein their workplaces. Although the equity groups we each represented were different, we sharedthe common experience of seeking belongingand understanding.WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF HAVING AFFINITY GROUPS AT WORK? With the feedback and success of the first meeting, Ultimately, Affinity Groups work to create Affinity Space continued monthly. Staff from all more inclusive spaces through connection,employee groups, whether they were casual,networking, and dialogue. These spaces can beterm, or permanent, were able to participate.empowering in that they allow for the sharing ofA shared agreement around confidentiality and experiences, peer-to-peer connection, informalprofessionalism was co-created by participants mentorship opportunities, and an increased senseand adhered to. The meetings primarily tookof belonging. place online, but as the community grew and developed, there was a desire to meet in person. Through the support of a local business owned by a minoritized member of the community, the last two meetings of the year were held in-person, which was appreciated by the participants. There was also a guest speaker brought in to share their After just one meeting, it was morepersonal experiences around equity and racism in important than I initially thought ittheir workplaces.would be for me. This was the first timeIn adhering to Policy ACHDiversity, Equity and Inclusion and Policy ADEducational Philosophy: I could safely talk about the challengesDivisional Vision, Mission, Values & Motto, Ive experienced at work being from aAppendix A, along with lessons learned on how we can improve this space and from overwhelming minoritized group. It was very emotional,feedback, Affinity Space will resume next school in a good way. Thank you very much foryear, as we are dedicated to creating opportunities for all members of the allowing me voice in a place that I haveLRSD community to share, worked at for a long time. learn, work, and develop in an environment that is safe,Participant positive, healthy, accessible, and inclusive.43'