b'STRENGTHENING SOCIAL SKILLS AND BELONGING THROUGH AI have witnessed growth and change in the NEURODIVERSITY-AFFIRMING LENS AT COLE GEORGE-MCDOWELL students who participated in the D&D club, At cole George-McDowell, the school teamsaid Marc Nault. They are very excited about partnered with their school psychologist, continuing the club next year and look forward to Brianne Curtis, in creating meaningful, sharing their wisdom about the game with the new engaging opportunities for social development students who join our group in the fall.for all students. Working with student servicesBrianne Curtis has seen how the group has allowed teacher Marc Nault, Brianne created a weeklynatural interactions and a sense of belonging.club that would foster important relational skills through a neurodiversity-affirming method.We have created a safe and open community They used Dungeons and Dragons as a vehiclefor anyone that feels they need a space to be for learning about boundaries, cooperation,themselves, said Brianne. There is no rightcommunication, natural consequences, and way to be in this space. Everyone who comes taking others perspectives. and plays this game naturally has fun and learns Neurodiversity refers to the range of at the same time. There are still safe rules so differences in individual brain function andeveryone can be comfortable, but it is affirming behavioural traits regarded as part of the normalfor all without being forced. This is so important, variation in people. People differing in mental orespecially for Neurodivergent students, so they neurological function from what is consideredcan be themselves and dont feel the need totypical (Neurotypical) can be referred to asmask their individuality. This is not onlyNeurodivergent, and this term is frequently usedimportant for inclusion but for our studentswith reference to Autism, ADHD, and Dyslexia. overall mental well-being.The team recognized that more traditional waysThe results of this initiative to better meet the of teaching social skills often focused on teachingsocial development needs of a diverse student about friendships and expected behaviours frompopulation were strikingly positive. All the a Neurotypical perspective that wasnt relevant toparticipants in the group, many of whom were many students and was deficit focused. The teamstrangers previously, reported they felt a sense at cole George-McDowell created this groupof belonging in the Dungeons and Dragons to help students develop skills, connection, andgroup. They also reported that they learned belonging in authentic and inclusive ways thatmore about others perspectives, improved their respect their diversity. communication with peers, and learned about The school team worked with the students tothe natural consequences of their decisions. Of establish basic rules for the game, centred onthe participants, 85 per cent also reported they respect and cooperation. The group of 15-20made friends or improved friendships as part of students across Grade 6 to 8 would agree to the groupan extraordinarily successful outcome table rules for the game and take turns playingfrom the team at cole George-McDowell.various roles in the dynamic, story-driven,Through seeking out a more inclusive and imaginative campaigns. The adults assistedaffirming way of engaging students of all the students in solving problems, anticipatingkinds in critical social skills development, the consequences, and fostering communicationcole George-McDowell team highlighted the throughout the gameplay, setting the stage forimportance of belonging to a childs well-being important social skills development in a natural,again. It demonstrated the broad reach of LRSDs engaging setting that the students looked commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in forward to every week.creating success for all at school.28'