b'PARENT PROLOQUO2GO TRAINING NIGHTSLRSD families were offered three evening training sessions during the 2022-23 school year, led by Speech-Language Pathologist Lindsey Sharpe, to support their students who use an iPad with the speech-generating app Proloquo2Go to communicate. The sessions provided parents, family members, and respite workers the opportunity to better understand how non-speaking or minimally-speaking students coulduse Proloquo2Go to communicate at home andin the community. A parent attendee stated,I appreciated learning about the importance of connection and modeling, and it was nice to know we are not alone on this journey. Training sessionsThis board has many core words as well as will be offered once again during the 2023-24sentences related to the playground, games,school year.and being with friends that students can point PLAYGROUND COMMUNICATION BOARDS to. Communication partners can also point to the Two Playground Communication Boards werewords on the board as they say them out loud, installed at General Vanier and Shamrockto model (or show) language that the student Schools in spring 2023. The LRSD Playgroundmight want to use. This can help those who have Communication Board was created with a goaldifficulty speaking get their wants and needs met, of providing accessible communication andas well as engage in play. LRSD parent Cheryl social language opportunities for all students,Lisowski was excited to see this board on the families, and community members who use ourShamrock playground for her son to use, stating playgrounds and fields. Communication boards arehow wonderful and important it is to include designed with inclusion in mind. They help childreneveryones voice on the playground! A future access some of the most common words that wegoal is to have these boards installed on all LRSD use when communicating, called core words.Elementary School playgrounds, with boards Core words can be used to create many differentavailable in both English and French. sentences, and include pronouns, action words,NEW TECHNOLOGY BREAKING DOWN COMMUNICATION BARRIERSquestions, feelings, and locations. This year LRSD Speech-Language Pathologists provided students with complex physical needs the opportunity to use eye-gaze communication systems, including a trial of the new TD Pilot by Tobii Dynavoxan iPadOS-based speech generating device controlled by the eyes.This technology empowers students to interact with peers, engage in new activities, and be an active participant in their learning. A non-speaking Shamrock student who uses a wheelchair for mobility was able to use an eye gaze device tosay her friends names and ask for toys whilethey engaged in play. The Speech-Language Pathology team strives to ensure every studentin LRSD has a voice.25'