b'On April 13, the Level Up: Winnipeg planningGillingham. By diving into the world of Minecraft, committee hosted a press conference at City our young builders will have fun reimagining Hall to kick-start the challenge. Students inWinnipegs downtown area and exploring someattendance got to meet some of the non-playableof our iconic sites. The next game-changing idea characters, take home souvenirs, and explore thefor Winnipegs future might just emerge fromMayors office.this project.Divisional teams reviewed student videos andThe challenge concluded with a finalselected submissions to represent commoncelebration at the Canadian Museum for Human themes to share with the City of Winnipeg. Rights, showcasing student work and bringing The downtown urban planning and design team together students from across the province, is using this student input to help inform policyrepresentatives from the city, and the many and inspire future downtown projects!Manitobans who contributed their time andideas to the project. Students from the Students in LRSD engaged with the challengeparticipating school divisions and independent for 4,000 total hours. Across the city and inschools got to share their insights from the Selkirk, students spent 15,000 hours in the virtualchallenge with the large audience.Winnipeg world. LRSD received 300 final video submissions. Popular solutions to the challenge included greenhouses, basketball courts, mixed- A special thanks to Scott Gillingham, Mayor;use buildings, facilities to address homelessness,Murray Peterson, City Historian; Leslie Spillett, grocery stores, sportsplexes, safe injection sites,Knowledge Keeper; Ace Burpee, 103.1 Virginmental health facilities, and the Death Star. Radio host; Kevin Chief, Principal of Chief Level Up, Winnipeg is a dynamic project that willPartnerships Manitoba; and Reanna Merasty,fuel the creative spark for the next generation ofIntern Architect at Number Ten Architect Groupurban planners and designers, said Mayor Scottfor their support of the project.21'