b'I talk to her husband about becoming an EA andFrom May to July, they are released fromdoing CATEP and I never looked back. Brandy hastheir schools to attend university and studentbeen with the division since 2017. teach full-time.The program addresses the under-representationI couldnt have done school any other way, said of Indigenous people in the teaching profession byBrandy. I have to work and take care of my making the process to get a teaching degree morehousehold. Being in the school environment as an accessible. It allows for a balance between theemployee and getting an academic education, I need to work and desire to get an education. was able to bounce ideas off teachers and other EAs. CATEP is a unique experience different from what any other university student experiences going to daytime classes.CATEP takes an average of six years to complete. We all have common areas of experience.Graduates from the program have a major in We are a little older, we all have been English for Early and Middle Years, and the course EAs, and we can share and support eachcontent emphasizes Indigenous perspectives.other in that way. In June, Brandy accepted a Grade 2 and 3 teaching position at Marion School. Brandy RacetteIm looking forward to building relationships with my students and being able to customize and develop a curriculum and classroom culture that From September to April, employees work in reflects all of us, said Brandy. I will take the time their respective schools while attending classesto learn from the EAs and treat them with respect. part-time in the evenings.I get to create my own classroom. 39'