b'Middle Immersion: Equity in ActionThe vast majority of students enter the program in French Immersion first began in Canada in Kindergarten or Grade 1. A growing number, however, 1965 as an experiment in Quebec. In 2023, begin in Grade 4. The Middle French Immersion program is offered at cole Julie-Riel and cole we celebrate fifty years of French Immersion Henri-Bergeron. Bussing is provided to students in Manitoba. Approximately 27,000 students across the division to access the program. are registered in the program in 23 schoolLed by skilled and dedicated teachers, students divisions across the province, with one in focus on language acquisition in addition to their regular studies. The Grade 4 entry point is five French Immersion students registered particularly popular among new Canadians who in Louis Riel School Division (LRSD).were unable to join the program at its traditional entry points owing to recent arrival or other factors. A closer look at the cultural identity of students enrolled in the program shows just how LRSD is recognized as a leader in Frenchdiverse it is [see pie chart on the next page]. After Immersion education both provincially andthree years in the program, students join their nationally, with roughly 1/3 of all students enrolledpeers who started in Kindergarten or Grade 1their in the program. All subjects, with the exception progress is so remarkable that it is impossible to of English Language Arts (introduced in Gradetell who started first!2), are taught en franais. Students apply theirIn May 2023, Manitoba Education and Early learning in authentic settings, whether theyChildhood Learning unveiled its updated French are asking the school secretary for an ice pack,Immersion policy. Among its recommendations borrowing books from the library, or asking theare calls to increase equity and access to the custodian to get a ball down off the roof. program. LRSD is committed to doing both, as evidenced in the 2023-2027 Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The Division plans to expand the number of schools offering the Middle Immersion program and to introduce a new entry point in Grade 6 or 7. The Division is also examining how learners can successfully access the program at other grades.22'