b'Multi-Year Strategic PlanThe 2022-2023 Annual Report to the CommunityIn September 2022, we asked the following (ARC) is the culmination of a four-year strategicoverarching question to give direction to our plan. In 2018-2019, the LRSD community engagedcollective journey for the year ahead: How do we in a series of conversations about visioning forprioritize belonging? Many of the stories in this our future. The themes that emerged informedyears edition of the ARC offered answers to this our renewed Vision, Mission, and Motto. They alsoquestion. The question also framed the creation of shaped four strategic priorities that framed theour new MYSP for 2023-2027 which will guide us Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) for 2019-2023.as we embark on the next phase of our collective journey. To learn more about LRSDs strategic priorities and actions for the next four years,visit: lrsd.link/MYSP.44'