b'Inaugural Student Advisory BoardThe Senior Leadership Team put a call out in September 2022 asking interested students to connect with the LRSD communications department or their school principal to join the Student Advisory Board. On October 25, 2022, 15 students met for the inaugural meeting. We have representation from all of our highEsther Raji and Fissy Olanrewaju are Grade 10 schools on the board, said Corey Kapilik,students at Glenlawn Collegiate. Esther said she Divisional Principal of DEI & Anti-Racism. joined the Student Advisory Board to help giveThe students represent a wide range of the unheard a voice; its a model she broughtdiverse perspectives.from the nonprofit organization she started in2021 with a group of teens. They amplify voicesOnce a month, the student-led board meets by addressing different social issues and finding to generate discussion, act on important topics, ways to spread awareness. and provide feedback and guidance on divisional practices and policies.Fissy said she believes this group is the first stepto give a voice to the rest of the student body.At first, I was really shy when I joined the board, said Zailey Cameron, a Grade 11 student at Im black, said Fissy. Thats the first thing people Dakota Collegiate. But it helped me grow as ansee when they see me. Im part of the minorityindividual and find what I am passionate about. first. I could never be a leader. I could never giveIt also allowed me to feel confident in askinga speech to a bunch of important people. I can senior leadership questions. never, I can never. But here I am. 18'